Saturday, November 19, 2011

I'm Back! For now anyways...

Hello Children.

It has been a very long time since my last post.  Many changes, but this blog has never been about my boring existence, it has always been about what is really important: TV.  So let's get to it! 

Well, I'm  not quite sure what to make of this season.  The alternate time line is interesting, but I'm a bit disappointed that the whole "First People" thing didn't really pan out.  So Walter created the machine?  Is that correct?  Sheesh.  Also I don't really love the new Olivia.  I miss the old Olivia.  I do love Lincoln Lee, so that is great.  He's so nerdy sexy.  Love. Him.  What was I talking about?  Oh right... Let's all hope Peter can "get back" or whatever the fuck. 

Parks and Recreation
I love this show.  It makes me happy.  Amy Poehler is great. Also I love the guy who plays Ben.  Sorry, I'm blanking on the name at the moment.  What am I saying, I love everyone on that show.  It is hard to say much about sitcoms, so let's leave those out for now...

I'll just list my favorites:
How I Met Your Mother
Cougar Town
30 Rock

Once Upon A Time
This is a new show.  It is super cheesy, entirely predictable and the effects are kinda shitty.  I still really like however.  I like the concept, very interesting.  I also like that British dude...whatever his name is.  From the Full Monty, you know the one I mean. 

Big news, kids!
Ricky Gervais is hosting the Golden Globes again!  Hoorah!  I am obsessed with him.  I love him.  I miss his shows very much.  Come back Karl Pilkington! 

This season has been rather Broadway heavy.  I loved the episode with West Side Story and the first times.  Last Tuesday's episode was good as well.  The Adele mash-up was amazing.  This season has felt a bit...preachy?  A bit pretentious.  It used to be a lot more fun with less life lessons.  I wish it was still a bit silly, with less drama. 

There are no great premium cable shows on at the moment.  True Blood is done for the summer.  Also Game of Thrones is on break.  I'm just getting into The Walking Dead.  I'm still watching the first season.  I'll write about it more when I'm caught up.

That is all for now. 
Go listen to Cold War Kids right now, for your own good.  I'm always looking out for  you...