Friday, December 24, 2010

Dec 24, 2010 - My favorite television shows (parental warning, language)

Well, I've decided to start a random blog for no reason.  Just a place for me to vent about shit to whoever wants to follow.  I've recently became rather addicted to the blog "hyperbole and a half".  It is genius and should be read by everyone. 
I've recently started reflecting on my life and who I am.  I could go on and on about how I don't believe I'm a very good person, but that would be boring.  Instead I think I'll talk about the television shows I enjoy and why.
  1. Fringe
This show is JJ Abrams masterpiece.  The first season was a bit weak, as I was having a hard time letting go of the X-Files (the greatest show to ever air on network television).  However, I found that the characters and the actors who play them to be understated and quite talented so I stuck with it.  I would never go so far as to say Anna Torv is as magnetic as Gillian Anderson or that Joshua Jackson even holds a candle to David Duchovny, but nothing good comes from living in the past.  Once the second season started however, I was completely mesmerized by the intricate storyline and fascinating concepts introduced.  The third season has been a revelation and this show has now become one of my all time favorites.  Spoiler Alert! If you have not seen season 3 of Fringe and plan on watching it STOP READING NOW!
The whole concept of Olivia being replaced by another version of herself I've found to be riveting.  I cannot believe that Peter did not recognize that the woman he was having a relationship with was not "our" Olivia.  It raises the question, when you love someone, what exactly are you in love with?  Their physical characteristics or their personality/their soul.  I was under the impression that if you loved someone you could recognize that person, even in the dark.  And yes, Olivia looked exactly the same (being technically the same person), but Peter should have known.  Especially considering he had been to the other dimension and is fully aware of every one's alternate existence.  Jesus Christ Peter!  You are a douche and I'm so glad that Olivia told you to fuck off! God!  I do hope that they can eventually work things out.  Or do I?  Not sure.

2.  The X-Files

This, in my opinion, is one of the most romantic stories ever told!  The relationship of Mulder and Scully is what made this show great.  Sure, the final seasons were terrible, but they were still better than most of the crap that is on TV today.  One thing that kind of pissed me off in the final seasons was Scully giving William up for adoption.  That was a completely fucked up thing for Chris Carter to write.  After years of her mourning the fact that she could not have children and finally having a child (with Mulder!) she would never have given up so easily.  Sure, his life was in danger, blah blah blah, but come on!!!!  Why didn't he just go into hiding with Mulder?  Fuck, in the movie that came out in 2008, their life seemed safe enough.  If she hadn't been so hasty with just getting rid of him, everything would have turned out fine.  God damn you Chris Carter!!  There had better be another movie before the suggested alien invasion scheduled for Dec 21, 2012.  I would love to see Scully and Mulder finish the story.  A friend recently suggested that there was talk about remaking the X-Files with different actors.  I immediately proclaimed that if this was ever to happen I would quit my job, move out of my house and live in a box in an alley, as I would no longer want to be part of any society that would allow that to happen.

3. Lost

What a magical trip we took with this dynamic group of characters! SPOILER ALERT!  I don't care what anyone said about the unanswered questions.  The finale was amazing.  I SOBBED.  I dont' mean I got a bit teary eyed, I mean I was literally gasping for breathe and worried I would wake up my roommates.  And can I just state the high number of incredibly sexy male characters/actors?  Sayid = mysterious, exotic, beautiful.  Desmond = Scottish brilliance of unbuttoned shirts and flowing hair! I could go on and on about the male characters, but I don't want to creep anyone out.  Kate was also a great character.  I love to see independent, strong female characters.  Don't even get me started on the plethora of pathetic misogynistic characters played by Katherine Heigl and the like!  I watched Lost entirely on DVD.  I was late for the party, but I'm grateful for it!  I was able to cram it into a few weeks of being completely immersed in this world.  I could not imagine waiting weeks to months between episodes.   I have now watched the entire thing twice and have very firm opinions about what was going on.  I have had arguments with people about what was the afterlife and was actual life.  I 100% believe that the island was real and that the sideways world was the afterlife.  I have had arguments with people who believe that the island was the afterlife and that they all died in the plane crash.  Whatever, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree because I am firm in my beliefs! (If I was only so firm in my own personal religious beliefs!)

Well, those are my top three TV shows at this moment.  Other shows I love and may talk about in the future are:
True Blood
Arrested Development
Battlestar Galactica

That is it for my first ever blog post!  This may become a regular thing, or I may just get bored and never post anything again.  It is always hard to tell with me, I'm notorious for my fear of any kind of commitment.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lady
    I am glad you have a blog, more stuff to read..I am super excited! I love your taste in background, I too have the same one for my blog! Keep posting. I enjoyed your blog, even though I don't watch any of those shows! How come glee is not on your list to blog about? I love that show! Anyway keep blogging. PS Why don't you think you are a good person? You are a great person!
