Friday, December 9, 2011

Hello kiddies!

Well, that exciting time of mid-season finales is upon us!  Let's discuss the best and brightest of these.  I've also decided to add photos to make this even more exciting for you (if that is even possible).

Parks and Recreation
This is quickly becoming my favorite show.  It makes me laugh and also is kind of sweet.  The second to last episode ("The Trial of Leslie Knope") was so good, I dreamt about it that night.  Amy Poeler is so funny in this role.  She is so good at her job it gives me a bit of hope that it is possible to love what you do.  Getting a bit deep here, oh Parks and Rec does that to me.
"What is that?"

Last night they did a spoof on Glee.  It was genius.  Particularly if you are a fan of Glee.  It was also a musical, just like Glee.  I've always said that out of all of the fictional characters on television today, I'm most like Britta from this show.  Her awkward Christmas song was so funny, I was laughing about it still today.  This show has so many high concept episodes it is incredible.  They even had a zombie episode.  Incredible.  The horrible news is this show has been put on "hiatus" by NBC.  It may not even be back next season, which would be a SIN.  Start watching this show people!  We don't want another Arrested Development fiasco on our hands!

No need to explain this photo, I think it is pretty obvious what is going on here.

An Idiot Abroad : The Bucket List
People who know me, know I looooooove Karl Pilkington.  I even named my fish after him.  Well he is up to his regular whinging in this amazing show by Ricky Gervais and Steve Merchant.  This show is a documentary/travel show so does not have a mid-season finale.  It is on again tonight, but last week's episode was so funny.  Everyone who knows Karl knows he loves monkeys (remember Monkey News?)  He went to a monkey city in Thailand and hated it.  So great.

Well, that's it for today folks. 

Next time: 1 hour dramas (Walking Dead!!!)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I'm Back! For now anyways...

Hello Children.

It has been a very long time since my last post.  Many changes, but this blog has never been about my boring existence, it has always been about what is really important: TV.  So let's get to it! 

Well, I'm  not quite sure what to make of this season.  The alternate time line is interesting, but I'm a bit disappointed that the whole "First People" thing didn't really pan out.  So Walter created the machine?  Is that correct?  Sheesh.  Also I don't really love the new Olivia.  I miss the old Olivia.  I do love Lincoln Lee, so that is great.  He's so nerdy sexy.  Love. Him.  What was I talking about?  Oh right... Let's all hope Peter can "get back" or whatever the fuck. 

Parks and Recreation
I love this show.  It makes me happy.  Amy Poehler is great. Also I love the guy who plays Ben.  Sorry, I'm blanking on the name at the moment.  What am I saying, I love everyone on that show.  It is hard to say much about sitcoms, so let's leave those out for now...

I'll just list my favorites:
How I Met Your Mother
Cougar Town
30 Rock

Once Upon A Time
This is a new show.  It is super cheesy, entirely predictable and the effects are kinda shitty.  I still really like however.  I like the concept, very interesting.  I also like that British dude...whatever his name is.  From the Full Monty, you know the one I mean. 

Big news, kids!
Ricky Gervais is hosting the Golden Globes again!  Hoorah!  I am obsessed with him.  I love him.  I miss his shows very much.  Come back Karl Pilkington! 

This season has been rather Broadway heavy.  I loved the episode with West Side Story and the first times.  Last Tuesday's episode was good as well.  The Adele mash-up was amazing.  This season has felt a bit...preachy?  A bit pretentious.  It used to be a lot more fun with less life lessons.  I wish it was still a bit silly, with less drama. 

There are no great premium cable shows on at the moment.  True Blood is done for the summer.  Also Game of Thrones is on break.  I'm just getting into The Walking Dead.  I'm still watching the first season.  I'll write about it more when I'm caught up.

That is all for now. 
Go listen to Cold War Kids right now, for your own good.  I'm always looking out for  you... 

Friday, February 11, 2011

True Confessions

Wow.  Just...Wow. *****SPOILER ALERT******
Just watched Fringe.  I have to tell you, I did not see that coming.  Although, as soon as they whipped out the ultrasound and proclaimed "I see movement" I knew what was happening. I don't think Peter will be able to choose "our" universe if his unborn child is in the other universe.  Especially since we know for sure he still has feelings for Fauxlivia.  I knew he did.  I was always hesitant to forgive him.  What will this mean?  Holy shit people, this show is amazing!

Ok, I have a very terrible secret to admit.  This isn't easy for me.  Hello, my name is Morgan T. and I am addicted to....Jersey Shore.  I know, I know!! How could a discerning, intelligent woman like me possibly be so in love with the weekly exploits of the most stupid humans on television today?  I'll tell you how.  Watching these morons is entirely too entertaining for words.  I feel like an Anthropologist studying a completely foreign culture.  The fighting, the drinking, the drama.  Ok... maybe not completely foreign. However, in all of my crazy younger days, not once did I ever punch my boyfriend in the face!  I'm pretty sure my grasp of the English language was infinitely better as well.  I have to say that I felt pretty bad for Sammi this past episode.  Ronnie completely destroyed all of her belongings in a steroid fueled rage.  Then when she was leaving, he cried "What did I do?"  Sheesh.  However, in all of my sympathy for them as they cried and screamed at each other, I was laughing my ass off.  Such is the genius of Jersey Shore.

Another recent television addiction for me is Man v. Food.  Something about this man stuffing his face with greasy meat while sweating profusely is such a turn on for me.  He is all that is man.  So disgusting and yet so happy.  Oh Jesus, I just re-read that sentence and it makes me sound like a crazy person.  Oh well, I'm keeping it in there.  Another terrible confession.  It's all coming out here people!

Two episodes of Glee this week!  I have to say I preferred Tuesday night's episode.  I really liked the Kurt/Blaine storyline, as well as the Rachel storyline.  Finn/Quinn, not so much.  They really annoy me.  I loved how Santana gave Finn mono to stir the pot though.  That was fantastically devious.  I didn't really like the part when Tina started crying during her solo, it seemed strange and I felt confused and weirded out by the whole sequence.  I never really liked the song "Fireworks" by Katy Perry, but I sure liked when Rachel did it.  In fact, it was the only song from the two episodes I downloaded.

Well, I'm off to watch this week's episode of An Idiot Abroad and The Ricky Gervais Show, not necessarily in that order.  The latter makes me laugh so hard I have to pause and sometimes rewind my DVR so I don't miss anything due to hysterical laughter.  My roommates don't like it that much, which goes to show how subjective comedy is.  If you combine the comedy of Ricky Gervais and Allie Brosh, that is my true comedic identity.  It speaks to me the way the Bible speaks to religious people.

Well before I confess additional soul revealing and embarrassing details about myself, I think I'll wrap this up!
Later gaters

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Let's talk

Can we talk?  Great.

I watched Fringe twice last week due to a ridiculous power struggle. I don't think I won.  Oh well, I ended up getting to watch it twice.  It was a good episode, but I felt that very little actually happened in it.  I'm wondering if Peter is going to have any strange side effects due to his accidental ingestion.  Hopefully some new super cool brain power.  I'm kind of in the mood right now to not want Olivia and him to get back together.  Maybe I'm just not into the whole "happily ever after" bullshit.  Either way, he fucked up, plain and simple. No amount of apologizing is going to change the facts.  Perhaps I'm just not a very forgiving person.  Having said that however, I do not want anything bad to happen to him, that is for sure.  And can we please address his strange hair poof?  It was like a cartoon character.  He's still super sexy though.  I also love that the show is filmed in Vancouver.  The rainy, grey shots really remind me of X-Files.   

The show I've been very into in the past couple weeks is Californication.  The new season just started.  I'm very happy that Hank and Karen are broken up.  I love it when Hank is all tortured.  Remember that hilarious scene in season one when he pukes on the painting after being caught having sex at Karen's dinner party?  Classic.  The show has the perfect tone right now.  Kind of dark, but in a "fuck it" kind of way.  Loving it!

I received a comment on my last post about not mentioning Glee as one of my favorite shows.  Well, that is indeed one of my favorites.  There hasn't been a new episode in approximately 2.36 years though and I'm forgetting it exists.  I definitely preferred the first season.  This season feels like they are trying too hard.  Plus, I like Rachel and Finn duets, and now everyone sings all the time.  The one thing I'm love love loving about this season is the addition of Darren Criss.  I love the chemistry between Kurt and him.  I think that Chris Colfer is such a good looking kid.  It's great.  It begins again Feb 6 after the Superbowl, so that is mildly exciting.

A new show that I have recently gotten into (it just premiered last week, so there has only been one episode) is An Idiot Abroad.  It is a travel show that is produced by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant (genius').  If you have ever seen The Ricky Gervais Show and enjoyed it, you will like this show.  If you find this kind of humour a bit mean-spirited, then you would probably not enjoy this show.  Basically, Karl Pilkington travels to the Seven Wonders of the World and complains and says vaguely racist things.  He is incredibly simple.  I think I like it because I know someone exactly like him very well and I kind of hate the guy. 

Well kids, my time of believing myself to be a bad person has passed.  I'm just who I am and if you don't like it, you can go fuck yourself! Hooray! 

Until next time!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Quick update

So I'm not finished making posts on this blog, FYI.  I think once the winter break is over on my favorite TV shows I will start making regular posts discussing the most recent episodes.  I watch a lot of TV, so that could mean multiple posts a week or none at all.  Depends on my ever changing mood...